Saturday, November 23, 2024
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Saturday, November 23, 2024
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10k 5k run/walk
start and finish in front of hennessey’s tavern located at 143 Main St, Seal beach Ca. Participants will run trough someo of the best views southern california has to offer. the course is flat and fast with views of our beautiful beaches in the distance.
Course turn by turn
Start line: 143 main street
1. participants head west towards pier
2. right on ocean ave
3. right on first street
4. right on marina dr
5. u-turn at 4th street
6. continue on marina dr
7. left on first street
8. right into park at ocean ave
9. participants run through the park and go towards the end of the bike path
10. continue through parking lot
11. right on ocean ave
12. continue on ocean ave to electric ave
13. u-turn at electric ave
14. 5k runners will turn right on main street to finish, 10k runners will continue past main street and do the course again.
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